2022/1 GaBI Journal Table of Contents

Published in: Volume 11 / Year 2022 / Issue 1
Category: 2022/1 GaBI Journal Table of Contents
Visits: 1549 total, 1 today


Editor’s Letter

First 2022 GaBI Journal issue highlights

Letter to Editor

No need for systematic switch studies to demonstrate interchangeability of biosimilars

Review Article

Biotherapeutic products in the European Pharmacopoeia: have all challenges been tackled?

Challenges in the manufacture, storage, distribution and regulation of traditional and novel vaccines

Long-acting insulin analogues. Drug selection by means of the System of Objectified Judgement Analysis (SOJA)


Biosimilarity is not a transitive property: implication for interchangeability, naming and pharmacovigilance

Sponsored Article

Structural characterization methods for biosimilars: fit-for-purpose, qualified or validated

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