Sponsor a Supplement

A supplement is an excellent tool for getting critical research and clinical findings direct to the professionals that need them. Contact the Publisher to discuss and agree on the content outline, the number and length of papers, etc.; for the sponsored supplements.

Theme issues (full text available), for instance, biosimilar introductions, immunogenicity, licensing, pricing and reimbursement policies, science of protein drug developments and bioequivalence. Contact us for further details.

Educational Series

Biosimilars for healthcare professionals

GaBI Journal publishes a comprehensive Biosimilars 2012–2013 book series of peer-reviewed scientific articles addressing almost all aspects of biosimilars medicines. The objective of the Biosimilars educational series is to provide a structural compilation of expert peer reviewed papers covering the current issues and practical experiences on the use of biosimilars, as well as the future development of biosimilars.   The goal is to share … Read more »

Biosimilarity and Interchangeability

As more biological products are going off patent protection, the development of follow-on biologics (biosimilars) has received much attention from both the biotechnology industry and the regulatory agencies since the United States (US) Congress passed the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation (BPCI) Act (as part of the Affordable Care Act) on 23 March 2010. In order to obtain input on specific issues and challenges associated … Read more »

For further information on the editorial topics, please contact the Publisher.

Last update: 14/03/2025

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