Jean Vigneron, PharmD

Member of International Advisory Board, GaBI Journal

Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, CHU de Nancy-Hôpital de Brabois Adultes, France

Dr Jean Vigneron is a hospital pharmacist in the University Hospital of Nancy (CHU de Nancy-Hopital de Brabois Adultes), France, since 1985. His main activities within the hospital pharmacy are preparation of cytotoxic drugs, assay control of drugs and stability studies (antiemetics, cytotoxics, others).

Dr Vigneron is President of Infostab, a French non-profit association with the aim of promoting the proper use of injectable medicines in hospitals via preparation, administration, stability and compatibility. Infostab publishes an international database called Stabilis.

He is the creator of Stabilis, a European database on stability and compatibility of injectable drugs. The database’s first edition was published in 2001 via CD-ROM. Stabilis is available online since February 2008 and is currently translated into 26 languages.

Dr Vigneron is a Board Member of the French Society of Oncology Pharmacy (SFPO), and a French delegate of European Society of Oncology Pharmacy (ESOP).

Last update: 17/03/2025

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