Professor Alain Astier, PharmD, PhD

Member of International Editorial Advisory Board, GaBI Journal

Certified as Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Biotechnics and Honorary Head of Department of Pharmacy, Henri Mondor University Hospital, Paris, France.

Professor Alain Astier carried out his pharmacy studies (PharmD) in 1972 at the University of Paris V René Descartes. He earned his PhD in organic and structural chemistry in 1976 at the Paris XI University, France. He also graduated in cellular pharmacology (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes; Paris, France, 1984) and received his habilitation for using radioactivity in biology in 1986, (CEA, Orsay, France). He was Assistant Professor in pharmaceutical chemistry from 1977–1981, Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris XI University, France.

Currently, Professor Astier is a member of the French Academy of Pharmacy and the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine. He was laureate of the prestigious Galien Prize of pharmaceutical research in 2001 for his work on fomepizole, as antidote of ethylene glycol and methanol poisoning.

The research interests of Professor Astier include experimental and clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs especially organoarsenicals and immunosuppressive drugs, new formulations, analysis and stability of anticancer drugs especially monoclonal antibodies

Professor Astier is Co-President of the European Society of Oncology Pharmacy (ESOP) and was Vice-President of the French Society of Oncology Pharmacy (SFPO) (2011-2020). He has been a member of various scientific committees and Chairman in numerous international congresses organized by international societies such as ECCO, ESCP and ESOP, and several national level commissions such as Institut National du Cancer (INCa) and French Drug Agency (ANSM). He has been recently appointed as President of Oncotask, the commercial branch of SFPO.

Professor Astier is Editor-in-Chief of the Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises, official journal of the French Academy of Pharmacy and of the European Journal Oncology Pharmacy (EJOP).

Professor Astier has also published an extensive list of academic publications. To date, Professor Astier has authored more than 250 research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 325 communications in scientific congresses.

Last update: 14/03/2025

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