Professor Theodor Dingermann, PhD

Member of International Editorial Advisory Board, GaBI Journal

Certified in Pharmacy and Biochemistry
Professor and Director, Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany

Professor Theodor Dingermann studied Pharmacy at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (1973–1976), Germany. He received his PhD in Biochemistry (1980) and he worked as a postdoctoral fellow (1980–1982) at Yale University, New Haven, USA, with Professor Dieter Söll.

Professor Dingermann has been a Professor and Director of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology at the Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, since 1990.

Previously, Professor Dingermann was Vice President (1996–2000) and President (2000–2004) of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), he served as Vice President of the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main (1998–2000), he was a Senior Scientist (1982–1987) and Assistant Professor for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1987–1991) at the Institute for Biochemistry, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

Professor Dingermann is Editor-in-Chief of the international scientific journal Die Pharmazie, Editor-in-Chief of the official journal of the German Pharmaceutical Society Pharmazie in unserer Zeit, and a member of the group of chief editors of Pharmazeutische Zeitung.

Since 1992, he has been a member of the German Pharmacopoeia (DAB) at the Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel and Medizinprodukte (BfArM), Bonn, Germany. There, he chairs the section ‘Rekombinant Drugs’ and is Vice Chairman of the section ‘Pharmaceutical Biology’. Professor Dingermann is the representative for Biotechnology of the State of Hessen, Germany.

Professor Dingermann is a member of German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), Society for Medicinal Plant Research (GA), German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), German Chemical Society (GDCh), European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS), and American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).

Professor Dingermann received the Ria Freifrau von Fritsch-Stiftungs award (1990), the Ilse-Richter-Tierschutz-Forschungspreis (animal protection research award) (2005), the Goethe-University Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007), the Carl-Mannich-Medal award of the German Pharmaceutical society (2010); and he was elected ‘Professor of the Year 2009’ for natural sciences and medicine.

Professor Dingermann is a member of various advisory boards of professional organisations: Professional Association of Pharmacists in the Federal Republic of Germany, German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Society for Medicinal Plant Research (GA) (1997–2001); and companies: Future Capital AG, GenXPro. He is a member of supervisory board of companies: Innovectis GmbH, Protagen, Cilian AG (June 2001 to September 2005) and Chairman of the supervisory board of Cilian AG (June to September 2005). Additionally, he is Co-Founder and former shareholder of Socratec CSC, and shareholder of PharmaCon.

Last update: 14/03/2025

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