Official Journal of the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative

Volume 5 / Year 2016 / Issue 3

Special Report

Competitive effects on the generics industry

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

Page: 144

Abstract: A study of the factors influencing generics makers’ decision on whether to enter a specific market found that firm size, market revenue and expected competition all had an effect. Market size was also positively associated with the entry of more generics. The effect of a financial subsidy on generics entry was also investigated. Submitted: […]

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US FDA proposals for naming of biologicals and labelling of biosimilars

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

Page: 140-3

Abstract: There is considerable concern and debate over the naming of biologicals and labelling of biosimilars. To ensure that patients receive the safest and most effective treatment, it is paramount that clinicians, prescribers and patients themselves have the relevant information regarding drug treatment. In response to concerns over how biologicals and biosimilars should be named […]

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Last update: 28/10/2016

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