
EU guidelines for nanosimilars

2013-11-19 Last update:  5 November 2013  The regulatory body for approval of medicines in the European Union (EU) is the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The agency… Read More »

WHO naming of biosimilars

2013-11-14 The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a system of naming for biosimilars, which has been commended by some groups, but criticized by others. The… Read More »

The future of nanomedicines – nanosimilars

2013-11-12 First there were generics, then came biosimilars and soon the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is anticipating the first nanosimilars, or similar versions of originator nanomedicines.… Read More »

California governor vetoes biosimilars bill

2013-11-08 On 12 October 2013, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed legislation known as SB 598, a bill that some believed would have impeded access to biosimilars.… Read More »

Regulation of similar biotherapeutic products in Latin America

2013-11-06 Regulation of similar biotherapeutic products (SBP) in Latin America varies widely among different countries and, although many countries have yet to introduce guidance for biosimilars,… Read More »

Generics may be allowed to change drug labelling

2013-11-04 FDA has proposed a new rule which would allow generics makers to change their labelling in the same way as brand-name manufacturers. Under current regulations… Read More »

Use of brand-name drugs increasing healthcare costs in US

2013-11-01 Patients with diabetes who are covered by the US healthcare insurance Medicare are two to three times more likely to use expensive brand-name drugs compared… Read More »

Biosimilar competition in Europe

2013-10-30 A study of five European Union (EU) countries has revealed that Germany provides the most favourable environment for uptake of biosimilars. The study, which was… Read More »

Patient care threatened by cancer drug shortages

2013-10-28 Drug shortages are affecting most US oncologists, impacting on life-saving patient care, according to the findings of the largest study yet to quantify the impact… Read More »

Generics combo non-inferior to treatment with Enbrel

2013-10-25 A study carried out by researchers from the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research has found that a combination… Read More »

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