Substitution and interchangeability: time for a conversation?

Author byline as per print journal: Chad Rieger1, MBA; Lisa Hall1, PhD; David Lim2,3, DPH Abstract: Bandiera et al. (2002) identified the potential for competitors’ promotional materials to use certain terms with technical meanings, such as ‘interchangeable’ and ‘substitution’, in a misleading way in Australia. Submitted: 30 June 2022; Revised: 4 July 2022; Accepted: 5 […]

A survey of Australian prescribers’ views on the naming and substitution of biologicals

Author byline as per print journal: Stephen P Murby, FRSA; Michael S Reilly, Esq Introduction: As the number of biosimilar approvals in Australia increases, it is important to build on the existing regulatory framework to continue to bring high quality, safe and efficacious biosimilars to the widest number of patients most cost-effectively. As new policies regarding […]

Is Australia positioned to take advantage of biosimilars?

Abstract: Australia currently has a small generic and biosimilar medicine industry despite having a good track record in biomedical research and a sound reputation in producing high quality but small volume biological pharmaceuticals. In recent times, Australia has made incremental changes to its regulation of biosimilars – in patent registration, in the use of commercial […]

Licensing and prescribing biosimilars in Australia

Abstract: Some years ago, Australian regulatory authorities decided to follow the path laid down by the European Medicines Agency in adopting a process for approval of biosimilars. This has been a largely successful process, resulting in the licensing of biosimilars for many peptides, especially epoetin and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). Aside from the availability of […]