Recommendations for the regulation of biosimilars and their implementation in Latin America

Author byline as per print journal: Valderilio Feijó Azevedo, MD, PhD; Eduardo Mysler, MD; Alexis Aceituno Álvarez, PharmD, PhD; Juana Hughes, MSc; Francisco Javier Flores-Murrieta, PhD, FCP; Eva Maria Ruiz de Castilla, MS, MAA, PhD Abstract: With the emergence of biosimilars as a new class of biotherapeutic agents, the use of these products in Latin America has become a focus […]

Suggested evaluation of biological drugs role for WHO – Editor’s response

Abstract: The Editor-in-Chief expresses his concerns about the proposal of a WHO run system to approve copy biologicals in the Milani and Gaspani paper [1]. The paper by Milani and Gaspani [1] suggests that the World Health Organization (WHO) sets up a programme to approve follow-on pegylated interferons and similar biological medications, that is biological […]