Regulation of copy biologicals in China

Abstract: The first draft guidelines for copy biologicals were introduced in China back in 2014. The Technical Guideline was then updated and finalized in 2015. In this paper, how the Drug Registration Regulation (2007) pathway classifies therapeutic biologicals and the principles and challenges of the copy biologicals guideline are described. Submitted: 3 May 2018; Revised: […]

Ongoing initiatives to improve prescribing efficiency in China; statins as a case history

Author byline as per print journal: Wenjie Zeng, BSc, PhD; Houmei Xi, B Eng; Brian Godman, BSc, PhD; Alexander E Finlayson, MD, MRCP;  Rickard E Malmstrom, MD, PhD Introduction: Pharmaceutical expenditure rose by 16% per annum in China during the past decade, and now represents 46% of total healthcare expenditure. Initiatives to moderate growth include pricing […]