Health professionals in the risk communication process on counterfeit medicines

Abstract:  Communication is a key component in the fight against counterfeit medicines affecting the lives of patients. Two types of risk communication should be distinguished: pro-active and reactive. Reactive communication can be facilitated by appropriate pro-active communication strategies, and healthcare professionals can be powerful allies in communication activities targeting patients. Submitted: 27 July 2012; Revised: […]

The MEDICRIME Convention: criminalising the falsification of medicines and similar crimes

Abstract:  Trade in falsified/counterfeit medical products is a growing global criminal industry, posing a major threat to patients and healthcare systems. Falsified/Counterfeit medical products circulate via unregulated channels, especially the Internet. The Council of Europe’s ‘Convention on counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health’ [1] is the first international treaty […]