Physician associations comment on FDA’s interchangeability guidance

Abstract: Comments from physician associations on the US Food and Drug Administration’s draft guidance on interchangeability of biosimilars are presented in this paper. Various issues were discussed; this paper highlights the comments on extrapolation, interchangeability, switching, labelling and naming, post-marketing and disease experts. Submitted: 2 June 2017; Revised: 13 June 2017; Accepted: 13 June 2017; […]

A survey of Australian prescribers’ views on the naming and substitution of biologicals

Author byline as per print journal: Stephen P Murby, FRSA; Michael S Reilly, Esq Introduction: As the number of biosimilar approvals in Australia increases, it is important to build on the existing regulatory framework to continue to bring high quality, safe and efficacious biosimilars to the widest number of patients most cost-effectively. As new policies regarding […]

Biosimilar product labels in Europe: what information should they contain?

Abstract: In 2016, a multi-stakeholder workshop was held on the topic of ‘Biosimilar Labelling’. The discussions concerning labelling particulars are outlined in this meeting report. Submitted: 21 November 2016; Revised: 23 January 2017; Accepted: 24 January 2017; Published online first: 6 February 2017 Introduction Labels on medicinal products contain information for pharmacists, physicians and patients. […]

Naming and labelling of biologicals – a survey of US physicians’ perspectives

Introduction: The US Food and Drug Association (FDA) released its requirements for the non-proprietary naming of biological products in January 2017. Before the FDA’s release, the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) asked physicians for their views on the labelling and naming of biosimilar medicines. Study objectives: To determine the opinions of physicians who prescribe […]

Naming and labelling of biologicals – the perspective of hospital and retail pharmacists

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Philip J Schneider, MS, FASHP; Michael S Reilly, Esq Introduction: To date, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has offered only draft guidance on the naming of biosimilar medicines. The Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) has asked pharmacists for their views on the labelling and naming of […]

US FDA proposals for naming of biologicals and labelling of biosimilars

Abstract: There is considerable concern and debate over the naming of biologicals and labelling of biosimilars. To ensure that patients receive the safest and most effective treatment, it is paramount that clinicians, prescribers and patients themselves have the relevant information regarding drug treatment. In response to concerns over how biologicals and biosimilars should be named […]