US FDA proposals for naming of biologicals and labelling of biosimilars

Abstract: There is considerable concern and debate over the naming of biologicals and labelling of biosimilars. To ensure that patients receive the safest and most effective treatment, it is paramount that clinicians, prescribers and patients themselves have the relevant information regarding drug treatment. In response to concerns over how biologicals and biosimilars should be named […]

Product naming, pricing, and market uptake of biosimilars

Abstract: With a number of patents on biological medicines soon to expire in the US, multiple stakeholders – from policymakers to manufacturers to payers – have been debating the structure of regulatory frameworks and in particular, naming conventions for biosimilars. A key area of concern has been the potential impact of naming, and specifically, whether […]

The need for distinct nomenclature for originator and biosimilar products

Author byline as per print journal: Michael Sarshad, BSc, MBA; Rosanne Campbell, BComm, PGdip, MSc; Peter J Pitts, BA; Jacqueline anderpuye- Orgle, MSc, PhD Abstract: As the number of biosimilar product approvals continues to grow, it will become even more important to collect pharmacovigilance data that are accurate and attributable to the specific product. Different […]

Nomenclature for biosimilars; a continuing thorny issue

Abstract: Nomenclature for biosimilars is a controversial issue. In this issue of GaBI Journal, a paper by Sarshad et al. considers the US FDA’s published system for this and concludes that it will be a positive solution to a global issue. But this may be a premature judgement. Submitted: 1 January 2019; Revised: 3 January […]