Why ‘similar’ can make a big difference

Abstract: This article explains what motivated the Digestive Cancers Europe’s (DiCE) recent position paper on biosimilar medicines for colorectal cancer. Submitted: 7 October 2019; Revised: 14 October 2019; Accepted: 15 October 2019; Published online first: 25 October 2019 Background Colorectal cancer may not be as widely known or talked about as some other types of […]

Policy recommendations for a sustainable biosimilars market: lessons from Europe

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Philip J Schneider1, MS, FASHP, FASPEN, FFIP; Michael S Reilly2, Esq Abstract: Approximately 25% of all new medicines approved in recent years and in development today are biologicals. The complexity of biologicals, the investment needed to meet ever more stringent regulatory and payer requirements, combined with the needs […]

Biosimilar product labels in Europe: what information should they contain?

Abstract: In 2016, a multi-stakeholder workshop was held on the topic of ‘Biosimilar Labelling’. The discussions concerning labelling particulars are outlined in this meeting report. Submitted: 21 November 2016; Revised: 23 January 2017; Accepted: 24 January 2017; Published online first: 6 February 2017 Introduction Labels on medicinal products contain information for pharmacists, physicians and patients. […]

Views of physicians and patients with chronic conditions on generic medicines in Greece after the introduction of measures to promote their consumption: findings from a qualitative study

Author byline as per print journal: Eleftheria Karampli, MSc; Estathia Triga, MSc; Vasiliki Tsiantou, MSc; Kostas Athanasakis, PhD; John Kyriopoulos, PhD Introduction/Study objectives: Generic medicines uptake is widely acknowledged as a key pharmaceutical policy measure towards cost containment and rational resource allocation. In Greece, due to the persistently low penetration of generics in the pharmaceutical […]

Legislative efforts to limit prescription information sharing between patients and healthcare providers represent a serious threat to the health and safety of the American nation

Abstract: Legislation in support of pharmacist notification to patients and providers of substitution of an interchangeable biologic for the originator biologic was recently vetoed in California. Automatic substitution of approved biosimilars without notifying the patient and physician/healthcare provider circumvents important pharmacovigilance. Submitted: 21 October 2013; Revised: 22 October 2013; Accepted: 25 October 2013; Published online […]

Reference price systems: stakeholder dialogue and involvement

Abstract:  Dylst et al. provide a detailed overview about the characteristics of reference price systems in Europe and discuss their possible impact. The role of stakeholders in the implementation of this policy measure requires further attention. Submitted: 16 September 2012; Revised: 17 September 2012; Accepted: 19 September 2012; Published online first: 21 September 2012 Dylst […]

A patient-centred paradigm for the biosimilars market

Abstract: The advent of similar biological medicinal products or ‘biosimilars’ in Europe in the 2000s has led to development of a global biosimilars market and regulatory frameworks designed specifically for approval of biosimilars. Like originator biologicals, biosimilars exhibit greater molecular complexity than small-molecule drugs, including generics. Current estimates suggest that biosimilars are more expensive and […]