Pharmacy-mediated substitution of biosimilars – a global survey benchmarking country substitution policies

Introduction/Study objectives: Between March and May 2017, Pfizer conducted an internal global survey of 82 countries examining biosimilar pharmacy-mediated substitution to understand and benchmark the global policy landscape. Methods: Pfizer regulatory and corporate affairs colleagues completed a survey: Are pharmacists in your country able to substitute a biological with a biosimilar without the physician being […]

Pharmacy chain drives choice among manufacturers of generic drugs in the US Medicare population

Author byline as per print journal: Steven Kozlowski1, MD; Ellen Tworkoski2, MS, MPhil; Carmen Dekmezian2, MS; Yanchang Zhang2, MPH; Natasha Flowers2, BA; Alvin So3, MS; Andreas M Schick3, PhD; Michael Wernecke2, BA; Thomas MaCurdy2,4, PhD; Jeffrey A Kelman5, MD, MMSc Background: Drug pricing and availability are key concerns for reducing healthcare costs and meeting patient […]