National and regional activities by sickness funds in Austria to encourage the rational use of medicines

Abstract: Dr Brian Godman reviews the paper by Vogler and Zimmermann on sickness fund activity in Austria to preferentially encourage the prescribing of generics. This is particularly important given the resources that can be released through increased prescribing of generics. Submitted: 10 June 2013; Revised: 11 June 2013; Accepted: 12 June 2013; Published online first: 20 June 2013 Vogler and Zimmermann have […]

How do regional sickness funds encourage more rational use of medicines, including the increase of generic uptake? A case study from Austria

Objective: To analyse similarities and differences between activities carried out by Austrian sickness funds to encourage more rational use of medicines, including increasing generics uptake. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with pharmacoeconomic unit staff of four regional sickness funds in Austria. Results: Sickness funds include a variety of activities. The main target group is prescribers, who are […]