Ongoing initiatives to improve prescribing efficiency in China; statins as a case history

Author byline as per print journal: Wenjie Zeng, BSc, PhD; Houmei Xi, B Eng; Brian Godman, BSc, PhD; Alexander E Finlayson, MD, MRCP;  Rickard E Malmstrom, MD, PhD Introduction: Pharmaceutical expenditure rose by 16% per annum in China during the past decade, and now represents 46% of total healthcare expenditure. Initiatives to moderate growth include pricing […]

Ongoing initiatives in the Republic of Srpska to enhance prescribing efficiency; influence and future directions

Abstract: Dr Brian Godman reviews the paper by Markovic-Pekovic et al. regarding recent reforms in the Republic of Srpska. These include prescribing restrictions where concerns with the value of products and measures to obtain low prices for generics, which is important given the rhetoric. Submitted: 11 June 2013; Revised: 13 June 2013; Accepted: 17 June […]

Statin generics: no differences in efficacy after switching

Abstract:  A study presented at the 2010 Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, had created a considerable stir. Its abstract allegedly showed that the originator drug Lipitor was more beneficial than any of its generic statin equivalents. But, in fact the study merely showed that the different potencies of statins were not taken adequately […]