Biosimilars – status in July 2020 in 16 countries

Author byline as per print journal: Hye-Na Kang1, PhD; Robin Thorpe2, PhD; Ivana Knezevic1, PhD; Daehyun Baek3, PhD; Parichard Chirachanakul4; Hui Ming Chua5; Dina Dalili6, PhD; Freddie Foo7, MSc; Kai Gao8, PhD; Suna Habahbeh9, PhD; Hugo Hamel10, PhD; Edwin Nkansah11, PhD; Maria Savkina12, PhD; Oleh Semeniuk13; Shraddha Srivastava14; João Tavares Neto15, PhD; Meenu Wadhwa16, PhD; […]

Prescribing practices for biosimilars: questionnaire survey findings from physicians in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico

Author byline as per print journal: Michael S Reilly, Esq; Harry L Gewanter, MD, FAAP, FACR Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for the regulation of biosimilars form the basis of guidelines used across most of Latin America. However, the pace at which the region moves toward reaching its potential of having safe and effective biosimilars […]

Do low- to middle-income countries need a biosimilar approval pathway based on a full comparability exercise?

Abstract: Despite the fact that hepatitis C is a disease of global importance, many countries cannot afford the costly but effective combination treatment of peg-interferon and ribavirin, which was recently included in the World Health Organization Essential Medicines List. Given that peg-interferon is a biotechnological product, should low- to middle-income countries adopt the burdensome biosimilar […]

Suggested evaluation of biological drugs role for WHO – Editor’s response

Abstract: The Editor-in-Chief expresses his concerns about the proposal of a WHO run system to approve copy biologicals in the Milani and Gaspani paper [1]. The paper by Milani and Gaspani [1] suggests that the World Health Organization (WHO) sets up a programme to approve follow-on pegylated interferons and similar biological medications, that is biological […]

Comparison of biosimilars guidelines

Abstract: This paper provides a detailed comparison of biosimilars guidelines issued in Canada, the European Union, Japan and Korea; and by the World Health Organization (WHO). This comparison highlights the need for harmonization of global regulatory standards for the approval of biosimilars. Biosimilars are recognized around the world as safe and effective medicines. Despite this […]

WHO leadership in public safety on biosimilars to be commended

Abstract: As a practicing endocrinologist and Chairman of the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines, I am writing to commend the World Health Organization for its attention to and upcoming action on the important issue of non-proprietary names for biotech medicines. Submitted: 20 September 2013; Revised: 21 September 2013; Accepted: 21 September 2013; Published online first: […]