2014/2 GaBI Journal Table of Contents

Published in: Volume 3 / Year 2014 / Issue 2
Category: 2014/2 GaBI Journal Table of Contents
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Editor’s Letter

What to look forward to in GaBI Journal, 2014, Issue 2


Complex molecules – current developments


Defining and characterizing nonbiological complex drugs (NBCDs) – Is size enough? The case for liposomal doxorubicin generics (‘liposomal nanosimilars’) for injection

Original Research

Biosimilars naming, label transparency and authority of choice – survey findings among European physicians

Perceptions of physicians from private medical centres in Malaysia about generic medicine usage: a qualitative study

Review Article

Clinical development, immunogenicity, and interchangeability of follow-on complex drugs

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors becoming generic drugs – risks and chances from a regulatory perspective

Interchangeability. An insurmountable fifth hurdle?


Role of hospital clinical pharmacist in transplantation, and generic immunosuppressive therapies

Pharma News

New EU guidance for the evaluation of medicinal products with modified drug release will be finished by the middle of 2014

Abstracted Scientific Content

Weighing up the cost of switching to biosimilars



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