2016/2 GaBI Journal Table of Contents

Published in: Volume 5 / Year 2016 / Issue 2
Category: 2016/2 GaBI Journal Table of Contents
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Editor’s Letter

What to look forward to in GaBI Journal, 2016, Issue 2


Adjusted indirect comparisons between generics – bioequivalence and interchangeability

Review Article

Assessment of the interchangeability between generics 


Biosimilars patent litigation in Canada and Japan: a comparative strategic overview and EU and US update


New monoclonal antibody biosimilars approved in 2015 in Latin America: position statement of the Latin American Forum on Biosimilars on biosimilarity, interchangeability and extrapolation of indications

Importance of manufacturing consistency of the glycosylated monoclonal antibody adalimumab (Humira®) and potential impact on the clinical use of biosimilars

Meeting Report

Roundtable on biosimilars with European regulators and medical societies, Brussels, Belgium, 12 January 2016

Reducing healthcare costs and building trust in biosimilar medicines

Special Report

Improving biosimilars uptake: experience gained in Madrid, Spain

Abstracted Scientific Content

Investigating the validity of biosimilar extrapolation and interchangeability

Pharma News

Switching from the infliximab reference product to CT-P13 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis: results of the PLANETAS and PLANETRA extension studies

The anti-TNF biosimilar CT-P13 had comparable efficacy to infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis over one year

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