2018/1 GaBI Journal Table of Contents

Published in: Volume 7 / Year 2018 / Issue 1
Category: 2018/1 GaBI Journal Table of Contents
Visits: 2245 total, 1 today


Editor’s Letter

Editor’s introduction to the initial issue of the seventh volume of GaBI Journal


EU Member States have tools to reduce costs of bestseller biologicals but can they use them?

Original Research

Analysis of Drug Master Files registered in Japan: aiming for a stable supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients

Review Article

Biosimilar infliximab introduction into the gastroenterology care pathway in a large acute Irish teaching hospital: a story behind the evidence

The impact of religion on human embryonic stem cell regulations: comparison between the UK, Germany and the US


Regulations for biotherapeutics approval in Colombia

Special Report

Patent expiry dates for biologicals: 2017 update

Pharma News

Top developments in biosimilars during 2017

Abstracted Scientific Content

Barriers to generics policy reform: a US case study

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