Introduction to the GaBI Journal

Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal (GaBI Journal). 2012;1(1):4.
DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0101.001

Published in: Volume 1 / Year 2012 / Issue 1
Category: Editor's Letter
Page: 4
Visits: 5580 total, 1 today

I am proud and pleased to be able to write the introduction to this first issue of the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal (GaBI Journal).

This journal is designed to complement GaBI Online which has successfully covered generic and biosimilar issues since 2009. The Publisher, the members of our Editorial Boards, and I, that is, ‘we’; all became convinced some time ago of the need for a traditional hard copy journal dedicated to publishing articles on generic versions of drugs and biologicals. We feel that the growth of the generic drug and biological industry as well as the technical, regulatory, political and economic issues associated with this industry would benefit from the introduction of such a journal.

The GaBI Journal Editorial Boards, and I owe a debt of gratitude to Professor Arnold G Vulto, PharmD, PhD, and our Publisher, Ms Lasia Tang. They both made the original GaBI Online so successful. They then conceived the idea of this published version and worked tirelessly to make this journal a reality. Their continued work, support and inspiration have been and will continue to be largely responsible for the success of this journal.

We recognise that it is not always easy or even possible for authors to get generic and biosimilar manuscripts such as comparative bioavailability studies of new generic products published in peer reviewed, English language journals. It can be even more difficult to publish negative studies, opinion pieces or letters. However, all such work should be available for review and discussion. We believe that publication of such work in a single journal will facilitate important evaluation and impact. Any such work, as long as it involves some aspect of generics or biosimilars and conforms to our instructions to authors, will be considered for peer review.

We want the journal to be a single place where editorials, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, reports, news, letters and original research articles concerning every aspect of generic drugs and biologicals can be published. We hope to present issues in an objective and unbiased manner and to publish all appropriate articles including both pro and con views, opinions and data. We welcome submissions from both the generic and non-generic pharmaceutical industry as well as all others including regulators, payers, governments, economists, healthcare providers, patients and their families or caregivers. We also hope to eventually include articles on important non-human medicines, e.g. veterinary medicines, as well as non-physician/pharmacy, e.g. dental, nursing; and non-traditional medications, e.g. herbal products.

While the journal will be published in English we hope to be a truly global journal presenting data, publications, and perspectives from all countries of the world. We offer English language publication support in an attempt to make this possible.

We encourage our readers and their colleagues to submit manuscripts to the journal. We also ask for your continuous feedback and suggestions both for individual articles we publish as well as for our format and philosophy. Together we can provide helpful dialogue and data concerning this important and rapidly changing aspect of therapeutics.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Statement is available upon request.

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  1. Lasia


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