Official Journal of the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative
Volume 3 / Year 2014 / Issue 2
Review Article
Interchangeability. An insurmountable fifth hurdle?
Author(s): Hans C Ebbers, PhD, Paul Chamberlain, BSc
Page: 88-93Abstract: The arrival of biosimilars has led to considerable debate on how they can be used in clinical practice. A particular concern is related to the question of whether a biosimilar can be safely interchanged with the originator product or other biosimilars. Here we will discuss challenges to the regulatory approach for establishing interchangeability, in […]
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors becoming generic drugs – risks and chances from a regulatory perspective
Author(s): Bodo Haas, PhD, Christoph Unkrig, MD, Frauke Naumann-Winter, PhD, Harald Enzmann, MD, Henrike Potthast, PhD, Lea Röper, BSc, Niels Eckstein, PhD, Ulrike Hermes, PhD
Page: 79-87Author byline as per print journal: Niels Eckstein, PhD; Lea Röper, BSc; Bodo Haas, PhD; Henrike Potthast, PhD; Ulrike Hermes, PhD; Christoph Unkrig, MD; Frauke Naumann-Winter, PhD; Harald Enzmann, MD Aim: To provide a systematic overview on: i) safety profiles; ii) pharmacokinetic parameters; and iii) regulatory framework of anti-cancer tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). Methodology: Recherché of pharmakokinetic (PK)-parameter: i) Germany’s federal drug database […]
Clinical development, immunogenicity, and interchangeability of follow-on complex drugs
Author(s): J Michael Nicholas, PhD
Page: 71-8Abstract: Although not derived from living sources, non-biological complex drug (NBCD) products have the immunogenicity and molecular complexity of biological drugs. NBCDs typically contain heterogenous mixtures of closely related nanoparticulate components that cannot be isolated, quantified, or entirely characterized physicochemically. Development of follow-on versions of NBCDs poses many of the same scientific challenges associated with […]