Official Journal of the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative
Volume 7 / Year 2018 / Issue 2
How to realize the potential of off-patent biologicals and biosimilars in Europe? Guidance to policymakers
Author(s): Ad A van Bodegraven, MD, PhD, Andras Süle, PhD, Antonella Celano, Antonio Llombart Cussac, MD, PhD, Frank Jorgensen, MPharm, MM, Jo De Cock, Niels Boone, PharmD, Professor Claude Le Pen, PhD, Professor Ferdinand Breedveld, MD, PhD, Rene Westhovens, MD, PhD, Steven Simoens, MSc, PhD
Page: 70-4Author byline as per print journal: Steven Simoens, PhD; Claude Le Pen, PhD; Niels Boone, PharmD; Ferdinand Breedveld, MD, PhD; Antonella Celano; Antonio Llombart-Cussac, MD, PhD; Frank Jorgensen, MPharm, MM; Andras Süle, PhD; Ad A van Bodegraven, MD, PhD; Rene Westhovens, MD, PhD; Jo De Cock Introduction/Objectives: This manuscript aims to provide guidance to policymakers with […]