Increasing adoption of quality-assured biosimilars to address access challenges in low- and middle-income countries

Author byline as per print journal: Pritha Paul1, PhD; Rahul Kapur2*, MBBS, PhD; Shivani Mittra3, MPharm, PhD; Nimish Shah4, JD, MBA; Gopal K Rao1, MSc; Matthew E Erick4, BS, RPh; Susheel Umesh1, BPharm, MBA; Sandeep N Athalye2, MBBS, MD Abstract: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) disproportionately affect people living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) compared to […]

40th anniversary of essential medicines: a loud call for improving its access

Author byline as per print journal: Mohammad Bashaar, PhD; Professor Mohamed Azmi Hassali, PhD; Fahad Saleem, PhD Abstract: The soaring costs of medicine are a global dilemma. It was hoped that the concept of essential medicines would help countries and policymakers contain the climbing costs of medicine over the last 40 years. This concept was conceived to […]

Access to alternative biopharmaceuticals in low- and middle-income countries

Abstract: Alternative biopharmaceuticals could substantially improve affordability of biotherapeutics in developing countries. However, it seems that these countries need a modified regulatory pathway to guarantee timely access to these medicines. Submitted: 27 August 2014; Revised: 14 September 2014; Accepted: 15 September 2014; Published online first: 29 September 2013 In recent years, biotherapeutics have gained a […]