Canadian prescribers’ attitudes and perceptions about ophthalmic biosimilars

Author byline as per print journal: Michael S Reilly, Esq; Jane Barratt, PhD Introduction: The first biosimilar entered the Canadian market in 2009 and the first ophthalmic biosimilar was approved in 2022. In 2022, the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) and the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) asked prescribing ophthalmology physicians in Canada for […]

Follow-on biologicals/biosimilars approved in Brazil: May 2023 update

Abstract: Brazilian requirements for approval of biosimilars are aligned with a strict regulatory process and ensure the same high standards of quality, safety and efficacy as for originator biologicals. Submitted: 29 September 2022; Revised: 26 January 2023; Accepted: 27 January 2023; Published online first: 9 February 2023 In Brazil, a legal framework for approving follow-on […]

Non-medical switching of biologicals/biosimilars: Canada, Europe and the US – a webinar report

Author byline as per print journal: Michael S Reilly, Esq; Gail Attara; Ralph D McKibbin, MD, FACP, FACG, AGAF; Professor Philip J Schneider, MS, FASHP, FASPEN, FFIP Introduction: Biosimilars are now key players in the global drugs market offering potentially more affordable treatment options with similar safety and efficacy. However, there are concerns about non-medical […]

Use of biologicals in dermatology – following the agreed path or going off-piste? A brief report

Author byline as per print journal: Michael Wilcock, MPhil; Andrew Pothecary, MSc Introduction: Biological medicines are used to treat a range of conditions according to National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) technology appraisals. The annual drug treatment cost per patient per year varies depending on various factors, including newer or older biological, and […]

Quality standards for biopharmaceuticals: the importance of good manufacturing practice

Abstract: Regulatory standards for recombinant DNA (rDNA)-derived medicinal products put in place over 40 years ago provided a framework for moving forward with novel biotechnologies and biosimilars leading to their success as highly eff ective medicines. As biologicals and biosimilars are increasingly developed, licensed and used worldwide less experienced manufacturers and regulatory agencies need support […]

3rd Colombian educational workshop on regulatory assessment of biosimilars 2019 – Report

Author byline as per print journal: Professor John-Joseph Borg, PhD; Yolanda Elias Gramajo, MD; Professor Andrea Laslop, MD; Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath; Jian Wang, MD, PhD Introduction: Biosimilars have the potential to improve access to medicines for many across the globe. However, work is required to ensure adequate regulation, pharmacovigilance and education about biosimilars. Colombia […]

Current trends for biosimilars in the Latin American market

Author byline as per print journal: Esteban Ortiz-Prado1,2, MD, MSc, MPH, PhD; Jorge Ponce-Zea3, MSc; Jorge E Vasconez1, MD; Diana Castillo,1, MD; Diana C Checa-Jaramillo1, MD; Nathalia Rodrí­guez-Burneo1, MD; Felipe Andrade2, MD; Damaris P Intriago-Baldeón4, MSc; Claudio Galarza-Maldonado5, MD, PhD Abstract: The number of approved biological medicines in the global pharmaceutical market has increased in […]

First ASEAN educational workshop on regulation and approval of biosimilars/similar biotherapeutic products 2017 – Report

Author byline as per print journal: Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath; Elwyn Griffiths, PhD, DSc; Niklas Ekman, PhD Abstract: Biosimilar medicines are being increasingly developed and used worldwide. Many regulatory agencies across the globe are assessing how policy and regulation can be adapted and developed to ensure that biosimilars can enter markets successfully, without affecting the safety […]

Biosimilar infliximab introduction into the gastroenterology care pathway in a large acute Irish teaching hospital: a story behind the evidence

Author byline as per print journal: Gary L O’Brien1, BPharm, MPharm; Donal Carroll2, BSc (Hon) Pharmacy; Mark Mulcahy3, BComm, MSc, PhD; Valerie Walshe4, BA, MA, PhD; Professor Garry Courtney2, MB, FRCPI; Professor Stephen Byrne1, BSc (Hon) Pharmacy, PhD Background and aim: Biosimilar medicines are not considered exact replicas of originator biological medicines. As a result, prescribers […]

Quality assessment of biosimilars in Colombia – reducing knowledge gaps

Abstract: Biosimilar medicines are having a global effect, and as such regulatory agencies worldwide are assessing how to respond to them. Here, two events held by GaBI for the Colombian medicines regulatory agency (INVIMA) are reported. The first was an educational workshop held in 2016 to discuss approaches to evaluating biosimilar products and the second […]

Biosimilars in Germany: guidance of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association

Abstract: Biosimilars have been available in Europe for more than 10 years, but their adoption in Germany has not been very successful. As their pharmaceutical quality, efficacy (particularly in extrapolated indications), safety (especially immunogenicity) and interchangeability with reference products have been controversially discussed by healthcare professionals, the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association developed […]

A survey of Australian prescribers’ views on the naming and substitution of biologicals

Author byline as per print journal: Stephen P Murby, FRSA; Michael S Reilly, Esq Introduction: As the number of biosimilar approvals in Australia increases, it is important to build on the existing regulatory framework to continue to bring high quality, safe and efficacious biosimilars to the widest number of patients most cost-effectively. As new policies regarding […]