Biosimilars versus ‘biobetters’—a regulator’s perspective

Abstract: The attractiveness of the biosimilar regulatory pathway is threatened by so-called biobetters. This paper provides definitions and an overview of recent developments. Submitted: 27 October 2014; Revised: 7 November 2014; Accepted: 12 November 2014; Published online first: 25 November 2014 Concerning the biosimilar landscape, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was among the first institutions […]

Safety assessment of biosimilars in Europe: a regulatory perspective

Abstract: Clinical safety is important during the development of a biosimilar. This paper provides an overview of the main aspects related to the safety assessment of biosimilars. The European Medicines Agency’s ‘Guideline for similar biological medicinal products containing biotechnology-derived proteins as active substances: non-clinical and clinical issues’, which is currently under revision, forms the basis […]

Barriers to market uptake of biosimilars in the US

Author byline as per print journal: Joshua P Cohen, PhD; Abigail E Felix, BA; Kim Riggs, MPH; Anumeha Gupta, MD Background: In the US, a new approval pathway for biosimilars has been established as part of the Affordable Care Act. Biosimilars are anticipated to increase treatment options and lower the growth in spending on biologicals. How the commercial […]

Biosimilars collaboration at Amgen and Actavis

Abstract: Representatives from Amgen and Actavis have spoken to GaBI (Generics and Biosimilars Initiative) about biosimilars. Topics covered included the clinical development of biosimilars, the need for further education, how the partnership model between the companies was working, the commercialization of biosimilars and their views on non-proprietary names for biosimilars Biotech giant Amgen and generics […]

Biosimilars naming, label transparency and authority of choice – survey findings among European physicians

Introduction: A survey of the views of European physicians on familiarity of biosimilar medicines has demonstrated the need for distinguishable non-proprietary names to be given to all biologicals. Methods: The Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines recruited 470 prescribers with clinical experience of biologicals in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK to answer questions relating […]

Subsequent entry biologics (biosimilars) in Canada: approaches to interchangeability and the extrapolation of indications and uses

Abstract: The principles Health Canada use when extrapolating the indications and uses of a biosimilar product subsequent to a single clinical trial or limited number and scope of clinical trials during product development are discussed. The principles underlying the regulatory framework for subsequent entry biologics (SEBs or biosimilars) in Canada explain the position taken by […]

Stability of the trastuzumab biosimilar ABP 980 compared to reference product after intravenous bag preparation, transport and storage at various temperatures, concentrations and stress conditions

Author byline as per print journal: Shon Crampton1, BA; Alla Polozova1, PhD; Darin Asbury2, BS; Alexis Lueras2, BS; Paul Breslin1, BS; Jane Hippenmeyer3, PharmD; Jennifer Litowski1, PhD; Monica Goss2, PhD Study objectives: To investigate the quality and in-use stability of diluted ABP 980 (a trastuzumab biosimilar) versus reference trastuzumab to mimic dosing in intravenous (IV) […]

Biosimilar monoclonal antibodies approved for use in the EU

Abstract: Two biosimilar TNF-alfa monoclonal antibody (mAb) products were approved for clinical use in the European Union on 10 September 2013, following a positive opinion by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) in July 2013. The products, with trade names Remsima and Inflectra (INNs infliximab) contain an identical mAb. This approval shows […]

Alternative statistical strategies for biosimilar drug development

Introduction: Many regulatory authorities have published requirements for the approval of biosimilar medicinal products. However, there is no guidance on which quantitative standards should be used to define how similar a follow-on product must be to be considered biosimilar. Sample sizes for clinical biosimilar trials using traditional designs often exceed 500 patients. Several publications have […]

Do low- to middle-income countries need a biosimilar approval pathway based on a full comparability exercise?

Abstract: Despite the fact that hepatitis C is a disease of global importance, many countries cannot afford the costly but effective combination treatment of peg-interferon and ribavirin, which was recently included in the World Health Organization Essential Medicines List. Given that peg-interferon is a biotechnological product, should low- to middle-income countries adopt the burdensome biosimilar […]

Statistical considerations for the development of biosimilar products

Abstract: As the patents of a growing number of biological medicines have already expired or are due to expire, it has led to an increased interest from both the biopharmaceutical industry and the regulatory agencies in the development and approval of biosimilars. With the high urgency, European Medicines Agency released the first general guideline on […]

Biosimilar development and regulation in Japan

Abstract: In Japan, biosimilars guidelines following the principles of the EU framework were established by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in March 2009. The guidelines cover the manufacturing process, characterization of quality attributes, and clinical and non-clinical studies for biosimilars. In this paper, the requirements for regulatory approval of biosimilars in Japan are […]