Pharmacovigilance, traceability and building trust in biosimilar medicines

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Teun van Gelder, MD, PhD; Benedicte Lunddahl, DVM; Professor Barbara OM Claus, PharmD, PhD Abstract: The Medicines for Europe’s Biosimilar Medicines Group met at the 2017 European Association of Hospital Pharmacists conference in France to discuss pharmacovigilance, traceability and building trust in biosimilar medicines. Submitted: 22 May 2017; Revised: 21 […]

Reducing healthcare costs and building trust in biosimilar medicines

Author byline as per print journal: Niklas Ekman, PhD; Professor Arnold G Vulto, PharmD, PhD; Paul Cornes, MD Abstract: The increasing cost of medicines was highlighted at the Biosimilar Medicines Group (formerly EBG) satellite symposium at the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists’ 2016 Vienna conference. Using biosimilars as a way to reduce pharmaceutical expenditure was […]

Biosimilars in the European market

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Joan Rovira, PhD; Leandro Lindner, BSc; Emmanuel Giménez, BSc; Professor Jaime Espín, PhD; Antonio Olry de Labry, PhD; Leticia García, BSc Introduction and study objectives: To describe the development of biosimilars in 24 European Union (EU) Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland, and to identify the key parameters […]