Pharmacy-mediated substitution of biosimilars – a global survey benchmarking country substitution policies

Introduction/Study objectives: Between March and May 2017, Pfizer conducted an internal global survey of 82 countries examining biosimilar pharmacy-mediated substitution to understand and benchmark the global policy landscape. Methods: Pfizer regulatory and corporate affairs colleagues completed a survey: Are pharmacists in your country able to substitute a biological with a biosimilar without the physician being […]

Physician associations comment on FDA’s interchangeability guidance

Abstract: Comments from physician associations on the US Food and Drug Administration’s draft guidance on interchangeability of biosimilars are presented in this paper. Various issues were discussed; this paper highlights the comments on extrapolation, interchangeability, switching, labelling and naming, post-marketing and disease experts. Submitted: 2 June 2017; Revised: 13 June 2017; Accepted: 13 June 2017; […]

Interchangeability of biosimilars in the US and around the world

Abstract: In this paper, differences across the world are highlighted when it comes to the interchangeability of biosimilars. The lack of harmonization makes it difficult for biosimilars makers and could possibly delay access to life-saving treatments. Submitted: 6 April 2017; Revised: 14 April 2017; Accepted: 14 April 2017; Published online first: 28 April 2017 There […]

Austrian medicines authority positive towards biosimilar interchangeability

Abstract: Clinical evidence supporting biosimilar use is growing and for the first time, the Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency takes a positive position on interchangeability. They now state that prescribing biosimilars to treatment-naïve patients and even a change from originator to biosimilar is appropriate, provided it is done under physician’s supervision. Submitted: 9 January […]

Roundtable on biosimilars: pharmacovigilance, traceability, immunogenicity, 15 November 2016, Madrid, Spain

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Francisco José de Abajo, MD, MPH, PhD; Professor Joan Albanell, MD; Olga Delgado Sanchez, PharmD; Kevin Klein, MSc; José Vicente Moreno-Muelas, MD; Sol Ruiz, PhD; Professor Maria Jesús Sanz Ferrando, PhD; Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath; Professor Francisco Zaragozá, PhD Introduction: Biosimilars can offer a lower-cost alternative to current biological therapies and could […]

Naming and labelling of biologicals – a survey of US physicians’ perspectives

Introduction: The US Food and Drug Association (FDA) released its requirements for the non-proprietary naming of biological products in January 2017. Before the FDA’s release, the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) asked physicians for their views on the labelling and naming of biosimilar medicines. Study objectives: To determine the opinions of physicians who prescribe […]

Potential changes to the FDA approach to biosimilars have a global impact

Abstract: The Opinion article of Niazi urges the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make adjustments to its guidance on biosimilar development. This article comments on some of the proposals from a global perspective, including the global reference product and the biosimilar comparability programme. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has stated that the biosimilar market […]

Demonstrating interchangeability and biosimilarity for US biosimilars

Abstract: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) outlines its approach to biosimilarity and interchangeability at the 2016 Generic Pharmaceutical Association Biosimilars Council Conference. Topics covered include the FDA definition of biosimilarity, its step-wise approach to the approval process and factors/issues that should be considered when providing scientific justification for extrapolation. Submitted: 22 September 2016; […]

Adjusted indirect comparisons between generics – bioequivalence and interchangeability

Abstract: Adjusted indirect comparisons are valuable to establish the bioequivalence and thereby the interchangeability between generic drug products. Limitations should be observed especially when several generics of a drug are marketed. Submitted: 14 June 2016; Revised: 23 June 2016; Accepted: 24 June 2016; Published online first: 4 July 2016 A recent review discussed adjusted indirect […]

Assessment of the interchangeability between generics

Author byline as per print journal: Luther Gwaza1,2, BPharm, MPhil; John Gordon3, PhD; Henrike Potthast4, PhD; Marc Maliepaard5, PhD; Jan Welink5, Hubert Leufkens1,5, PhD; Matthias Stahl6, MD; Alfredo García-Arieta7, PhD Abstract: Generic medicines are approved by regulatory authorities based on demonstration of bioequivalence with the innovator, however, direct comparison between all available generics of the […]

New monoclonal antibody biosimilars approved in 2015 in Latin America: position statement of the Latin American Forum on Biosimilars on biosimilarity, interchangeability and extrapolation of indications

Author byline as per print journal: Valderílio Feijó Azevedo1,2, Alejandra Babini3,4, Fabio Vieira Teixeira5,6, Igor Age Kos1,2, Pablo Matar7 Introduction: The Latin American Forum on Biosimilars (FLAB) is an annual meeting that brings together various stakeholders, including key opinion leaders, the pharmaceutical industry, academics, patients, lawyers and other healthcare professionals, to present and discuss recent […]

Roundtable on biosimilars with European regulators and medical societies, Brussels, Belgium, 12 January 2016

Author byline as per print journal: Vito Annese, MD, PhD; Cristina Avendaño-Solá, MD, PhD; Professor Ferdinand Breedveld, MD; Niklas Ekman, PhD; Thijs J Giezen, MSc, PharmD, PhD; Professor Fernando Gomollón, MD, PhD; Research Professor Pekka Kurki, MD, PhD; Professor Tore Kristian Kvien, MD; Professor Andrea Laslop, MD; Professor Lluís Puig, MD, PhD; Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath; […]