Patent expiry dates for biologicals: 2017 update

Abstract: Although small molecule drugs still dominate the global pharmaceutical market in terms of numbers, biologicals are making a significant dent. However, the high cost of biologicals is putting increasing pressure on healthcare budgets, thus opening the door to biosimilars. With patents on originator biologicals expiring, biosimilars are expected to take an increasing share of […]

Patent expiry dates for biologicals: 2016 update

Abstract: Biosimilars have been approved in Europe since 2006 and in the US since 2015. With patents on originator biologicals expiring and ever-tightening healthcare budgets, biosimilars are expected to take an increasing share of the biologicals market. In light of these facts, this paper gives estimated patent expiry dates for just some of the best-selling […]

Patent expiry dates for best-selling biologicals

Abstract: Biosimilars have been approved in Europe since 2006. With patents on originator biologicals expiring and ever-tightening healthcare budgets biosimilars are likely to take an increasing share of the biologicals market. In light of these facts, this article gives estimated patent expiry dates for just some of the best-selling biologicals. Submitted: 19 November 2015; Revised: […]

Biosimilars patent litigation in the EU and the US: a comparative strategic overview

Abstract: Biosimilars are highly similar versions of reference biological products, some with the potential to be deemed ‘interchangeable’ by regulatory bodies, such as the US Food and Drug Administration. Biosimilar patent litigation continues to evolve as biosimilars enter new global markets. This manuscript takes a look at patent litigation strategies in a more developed biosimilars […]

Generic medicines entry into the Malaysian pharmaceutical market

Author byline as per print journal: Omotayo Fatokun, PhD; Professor Mohamed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim, PhD; Professor Mohamed Azmi Hassali, PhD Abstract: There are major barriers to generic medicine development and market entry in Malaysia. This mixed method study recommends strategies to increase uptake. Submitted: 25 October 2016; Revised: 15 November 2016; Accepted: 21 November 2016; Published […]

Patent expiry dates for biologicals: 2018 update

Abstract: Over the last few years, there has been a shift in the landscape of blockbuster medicines from small molecule drugs to biologicals. While small molecule drugs still dominate the global pharmaceutical market in terms of numbers, seven of the top 10 best-selling medicines in 2018 were biologicals. The high and rising cost of biologicals […]

Is Australia positioned to take advantage of biosimilars?

Abstract: Australia currently has a small generic and biosimilar medicine industry despite having a good track record in biomedical research and a sound reputation in producing high quality but small volume biological pharmaceuticals. In recent times, Australia has made incremental changes to its regulation of biosimilars – in patent registration, in the use of commercial […]

Myths, questions, facts about generic drugs in the EU

Abstract: Many generic drugs are now being prescribed and the trend is increasing. For example, in Austria, the number of all generics prescriptions has more than doubled from 11% in 2000 to 23% in 2010. However, many myths and questions about generic drugs remain and information may be difficult to come by. It is therefore […]