Pricing of biosimilars in Saudi Arabia

Author byline as per print journal: Ali M Alhomaidan, PhD; Ibrahim A Aljuffali, MSc, PhD; Fahad S Alnutaifi, MHEcon, MPH; Nasseruddeen A AL-Howaimel, MSc Abstract: Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry is expensive and risk must be rewarded. Some novel pharmaceuticals may be worth their high prices. Yet, high prices may hinder accessibility to novel products. […]

Substantial savings with generics in Austria – and still room for more

Abstract: Austria has seen considerable savings with generics, due to its unique pricing system. Generic medicine penetration is, however, not as advanced as in other European countries. Additional savings could be made, provided certain measures are implemented. Submitted: 27 May 2015; Revised: 5 June 2015; Accepted: 8 June 2015; Published online first: 22 June 2015 […]

Pathway to affordable, quality-assured sources of pegylated interferon alpha for treating hepatitis C

Author byline as per print journal: Barbara Milan, Sara Gaspani Introduction: The current pipeline of promising oral hepatitis C drugs could lead to a revolution in treatment for this disease in both developed and developing countries. At present, the recommended treatment is pegylated interferon alpha (in combination with ribavirin). However, the limited availability and high […]