The challenges of nomenclature – INN, biosimilars and biological qualifiers

Abstract: A novel global and company specific biological qualifier, distinct from the International Nonproprietary Name (INN), is proposed by World Health Organization (WHO) for all biological active substances. Submitted: 14 May 2015; Revised: 2 July 2015; Accepted: 6 July 2015; Published online first: 20 July 2015 Introduction to INN The concept of one single non-proprietary […]

Update on US state legislation on biosimilars substitution

Abstract: Since the biosimilars pathway was introduced, many US states have been considering, or have introduced, legislation to allow for substitution of biosimilars deemed interchangeable. This paper gives an update of the current situation. Submitted: 21 April 2015; Revised: 8 May 2015; Accepted: 11 May 2015; Published online first: 25 May 2015 The Biologics Price […]

Norway, biosimilars in different funding systems. What works?

Abstract: Biosimilars can substitute treatment with expensive biological drugs and release money to treat more patients. Experience from Norway shows how this can be done with and without success. Submitted: 18 May 2015; Revised: 22 May 2015; Accepted: 26 May 2015; Published online first: 8 June 2015 Introduction Drug budgets and total healthcare expenditure can […]

The implementation of generics in France

Abstract: The first recognized and trusted generic drugs were launched in France in 1995, at the same time that the Prime Minister Alain Juppé introduced his new plan on Retirement and Social Security. It has taken 20 years for generic drugs to become integrated into the pharmacy community, and for acceptance to be reached by […]

Biosimilars: patient and physician acceptability is the fifth hurdle to market competition

Abstract: Biosimilar products confront novel market authorization and post-marketing use hurdles. Existing evidence is insufficient to fully address physician and payer acceptability thresholds. Submitted: 4 March 2015; Revised: 5 March 2015; Accepted: 9 March 2015; Published online first: 20 March 2015 In this issue of GaBI Journal, Sandorff et al. [1] investigate payer and physician […]

First Latin American educational workshop on similar biotherapeutic products, Mexico City, Mexico, 20 January 2015

Introduction: Similar Biotherapeutic Products (SBPs or biosimilars) comprise a rapidly expanding area of therapeutics worldwide. However, best practices for their regulation are lacking in many Latin American countries. Methods: The first in a series of educational workshops on SBPs in Latin America was held in Mexico City on 20 January 2015. Didactic presentations covered the […]

Pharmaceutical pricing in Croatia: a comparison of ordinances in 2013 versus 2009 and their potential savings to provide future guidance

Author byline as per print journal: Ljiljana Sović Brkičić, MPharm; Brian Godman, BSc, PhD; Martina Bogut, BSc; Miron Sršen, MD; Hye-Young Kwon, BPharm, MPH, PhD; Winnie de Bruyn, BSc; Tonko Tabain, MD Introduction: Croatia has introduced a number of reforms to contain pharmaceutical expenditure whilst increasing access to new medicines. These include new regulations and new […]

Health Canada’s perspective on the clinical development of biosimilars and related scientific and regulatory challenges

Abstract: Biologicals have offered a new avenue for targeting therapy to treat life-threatening and chronic diseases. The recent or pending patent expirations of many successful biologicals have permitted the marketing of ‘copy’ versions of the off-patent biologicals, generally known as biosimilars (subsequent entry biologics in Canada). The reduced clinical package and the potential for extrapolation […]

Biosimilars for prescribers

Abstract: Biosimilars are copies of original biological medicines. Biosimilarity is a new concept in drug development. Physicians prescribing biologicals need more neutral information on the quality, safety and efficacy of biosimilars. Submitted: 27 November 2014; Revised: 15 December 2014; Accepted: 18 December 2014; Published online first: 19 December 2014 Introduction The European Union (EU) was […]

What pricing and reimbursement policies to use for off-patent biologicals? – Results from the EBE 2014 biological medicines policy survey

Objective: One of the questions that the advent of biosimilars raises is whether the different nature of biological medicines would also imply the need for a different policy approach by Member States in the European Union (EU). To assess the policy environment the European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE) conducted a brief descriptive policy survey of pricing […]

Is Australia positioned to take advantage of biosimilars?

Abstract: Australia currently has a small generic and biosimilar medicine industry despite having a good track record in biomedical research and a sound reputation in producing high quality but small volume biological pharmaceuticals. In recent times, Australia has made incremental changes to its regulation of biosimilars – in patent registration, in the use of commercial […]

Tell me the whole story: the role of product labelling in building user confidence in biosimilars in Europe

Abstract: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has led the development of biosimilar regulatory pathways globally, tailoring their approach to meet the specific and scientifically determined needs of biosimilar development. However, the information-driven stepwise approach encouraged by this pathway leading to approval of biosimilar products is only reflected in a single section of the product labelling […]