Comparative efficacy studies of biosimilars: data versus theoretical risks, beliefs, and comfort

Abstract: In principle, biosimilars could mitigate the problem of the rising cost of biological medicines. However, the current stringent and non-harmonized regulatory practices hinder competition and contribute to the high price level of biosimilars. The quality, safety, and efficacy of biosimilars developed, according to the current guidelines of ‘stringent’ regulatory agencies have proven to be […]

A white paper: US biosimilars market on pace with Europe

Abstract: In the US, 28 biosimilars have been approved, with 10 in the last two years. The US is keeping pace with the EU who pioneered biosimilars approvals a decade earlier. Herein, current FDA regulations and hurdles encountered for US biosimilar approval and uptake are discussed. Submitted: 12 October 2020; Revised: 28 October 2020; Accepted: […]

Policy recommendations for a sustainable biosimilars market: lessons from Europe

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Philip J Schneider1, MS, FASHP, FASPEN, FFIP; Michael S Reilly2, Esq Abstract: Approximately 25% of all new medicines approved in recent years and in development today are biologicals. The complexity of biologicals, the investment needed to meet ever more stringent regulatory and payer requirements, combined with the needs […]

Biosimilars: achieving long-term savings and competitive markets

Author byline as per print journal: Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz, PhD; Adrian Towse, MA; Mikel Berdud, PhD Abstract: Payers need to think strategically in medium/long term to maximize benefits from biosimilars. Concerns about biosimilars’ interchangeability/substitution (with their reference product) and uncertainty about outcomes act as barriers for their uptake. This paper recommends a policy which provides: (1) […]

Biosimilars versus ‘biobetters’—a regulator’s perspective

Abstract: The attractiveness of the biosimilar regulatory pathway is threatened by so-called biobetters. This paper provides definitions and an overview of recent developments. Submitted: 27 October 2014; Revised: 7 November 2014; Accepted: 12 November 2014; Published online first: 25 November 2014 Concerning the biosimilar landscape, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was among the first institutions […]

Biosimilars: considerations in light of the Italian legal framework

Abstract: Biological and biotechnological medicines are important pharmaceutical innovations due to their influence on the treatment of many conditions and because they have led the way in devising new and innovative pharmacological therapies. In addition, biosimilars, which can be authorized on the date of expiry of a biological originator’s patent, give an opportunity for the […]

How to realize the potential of off-patent biologicals and biosimilars in Europe? Guidance to policymakers

Author byline as per print journal: Steven Simoens, PhD; Claude Le Pen, PhD; Niels Boone, PharmD; Ferdinand Breedveld, MD, PhD; Antonella Celano; Antonio Llombart-Cussac, MD, PhD; Frank Jorgensen, MPharm, MM; Andras Süle, PhD; Ad A van Bodegraven, MD, PhD; Rene Westhovens, MD, PhD; Jo De Cock Introduction/Objectives: This manuscript aims to provide guidance to policymakers with […]

Pathway to affordable, quality-assured sources of pegylated interferon alpha for treating hepatitis C

Author byline as per print journal: Barbara Milan, Sara Gaspani Introduction: The current pipeline of promising oral hepatitis C drugs could lead to a revolution in treatment for this disease in both developed and developing countries. At present, the recommended treatment is pegylated interferon alpha (in combination with ribavirin). However, the limited availability and high […]

Regional tenders on biosimilars in Italy: potentially competitive?

Author byline as per print journal: Alessandro Curto, MSSc, Katelijne Van de Vooren, MSc, Roberta Lo Muto, MSc, Silvy Duranti, MBA, Professor Livio Garattini Introduction: Health care in Italy is mainly delivered through the country’s National Health Service (NHS), a public service funded by general taxation. The system is highly decentralized and each one of […]

The potential of generics policies: more room for exploitation–PPRI Conference Report

Author byline as per print journal: Sabine Vogler, PhD; Nina Zimmermann, MA Introduction: This Conference Report aims to provide an overview of key results, messages and conclusions of the Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) Conference with regard to generics. Methods: The PPRI Conference, organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, […]