Original Research

Published in:
Volume 13 / Year 2024 / Issue 1

Pharmacokinetic bioequivalence studies of a new Etoricoxib tablet formulation developed using proprietary MiST technology — risk assessment and mitigation using GastroPlus software

Page: 14-21

Author byline as per print journal: Dhananjay Panigrahi1, MPharm; Aditya Murthy2, MPharm, PhD; Shubham Jamdade2, MPharm; Manoj Gundeti2, MPharm; Nagarjun Rangaraj1, MPharm, PhD; Anup Avijit Choudhury1, MPharm; Tausif Ahmed2, MPharm,… Read More »

Budget impact analysis of a rituximab intravenous biosimilar in patients with follicular lymphoma and large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Chile

Page: 4-13

Author byline as per print journal: Tomás Abbot1, MSc; Nicolás Armijo1, MSc; Robin Piron2, PhD; Manuel Espinoza1,3, PhD Introduction: In Chile, access disparities and budget constraints affect the treatment of… Read More »

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