A white paper: US biosimilars market on pace with Europe

Abstract: In the US, 28 biosimilars have been approved, with 10 in the last two years. The US is keeping pace with the EU who pioneered biosimilars approvals a decade earlier. Herein, current FDA regulations and hurdles encountered for US biosimilar approval and uptake are discussed. Submitted: 12 October 2020; Revised: 28 October 2020; Accepted: […]

Can local policies on biosimilars optimize the use of freed resources – experiences from Italy

Author byline as per print journal: Brian Godman1,2,3, BSc, PhD; Eleonora Allocati4, BSc, MSc; Evelien Moorkens5, MSc, PhD; Hye-Young Kwon, PhD1,6 Abstract: There is an increasing need to prescribe biosimilars to fund new medicines and increasing medicine volumes. Bertolani and Jommi document successful measures introduced regionally in Italy. The recent GaBI Journal manuscript by Bertolani […]

Local policies on biosimilars: are they designed to optimize use of liberated resources?

Author byline as per print journal: Arianna Bertolani, PhD; Claudio Jommi, MS Study Objectives: Different policies have been implemented to enhance uptake of biosimilars. Regarding policies focussing on the demand-side, the literature has mainly concentrated on interchangeability and substitutability recommendations, issued by national or regional policymakers. Information on actions taken by healthcare organisations (HCOs) regarding […]

Systematic analysis of injection-site pain and reactions caused by subcutaneous administration of the adalimumab biosimilar FKB327 versus the adalimumab reference product via different delivery methods

Author byline as per print journal: Rieke Alten1, MD, PhD; Herbert Kellner2, MD; Malcolm Boyce3, MD; Takuma Yonemura4, MD; Takahiro Ito5, MSc; Mark C Genovese6, MD Introduction/Study objectives: FKB327 is a biosimilar of the adalimumab reference product. Studies in healthy subjects and patients with rheumatoid arthritis demonstrated biosimilarity between FKB327 and the reference product in […]

Quality standards for biopharmaceuticals: the importance of good manufacturing practice

Abstract: Regulatory standards for recombinant DNA (rDNA)-derived medicinal products put in place over 40 years ago provided a framework for moving forward with novel biotechnologies and biosimilars leading to their success as highly eff ective medicines. As biologicals and biosimilars are increasingly developed, licensed and used worldwide less experienced manufacturers and regulatory agencies need support […]

3rd Colombian educational workshop on regulatory assessment of biosimilars 2019 – Report

Author byline as per print journal: Professor John-Joseph Borg, PhD; Yolanda Elias Gramajo, MD; Professor Andrea Laslop, MD; Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath; Jian Wang, MD, PhD Introduction: Biosimilars have the potential to improve access to medicines for many across the globe. However, work is required to ensure adequate regulation, pharmacovigilance and education about biosimilars. Colombia […]

Current trends for biosimilars in the Latin American market

Author byline as per print journal: Esteban Ortiz-Prado1,2, MD, MSc, MPH, PhD; Jorge Ponce-Zea3, MSc; Jorge E Vasconez1, MD; Diana Castillo,1, MD; Diana C Checa-Jaramillo1, MD; Nathalia Rodrí­guez-Burneo1, MD; Felipe Andrade2, MD; Damaris P Intriago-Baldeón4, MSc; Claudio Galarza-Maldonado5, MD, PhD Abstract: The number of approved biological medicines in the global pharmaceutical market has increased in […]

An evolving role for non-governmental organizations dealing with registration backlogs and rising costs: the example of cancer biosimilars in South Africa

Abstract: Around the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries, national regulatory authorities are struggling with registration backlogs and the affordability of medicines. This paper draws on the example of cancer biosimilars in South Africa to illustrate how non-governmental organizations can help regulatory authorities decide which registration applications to prioritize by providing information on clinical […]

It is time to change US trade policy to foster access to medicines

Abstract: While Americans are deeply concerned about drug prices, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) continues to negotiate agreements like the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that put at risk the sustainability of the generics industry and undermine the development of biosimilars that play a critical role in access to medicines. It is time to restore […]

Why ‘similar’ can make a big difference

Abstract: This article explains what motivated the Digestive Cancers Europe’s (DiCE) recent position paper on biosimilar medicines for colorectal cancer. Submitted: 7 October 2019; Revised: 14 October 2019; Accepted: 15 October 2019; Published online first: 25 October 2019 Background Colorectal cancer may not be as widely known or talked about as some other types of […]

First ASEAN educational workshop on regulation and approval of biosimilars/similar biotherapeutic products 2017 – Report

Author byline as per print journal: Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath; Elwyn Griffiths, PhD, DSc; Niklas Ekman, PhD Abstract: Biosimilar medicines are being increasingly developed and used worldwide. Many regulatory agencies across the globe are assessing how policy and regulation can be adapted and developed to ensure that biosimilars can enter markets successfully, without affecting the safety […]

Rationalizing FDA guidance on biosimilars—expediting approvals and acceptance

Abstract: Biosimilar drugs have suffered slow entrance and acceptance rates in the US market, due not only to common misperceptions among the public but also US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensing laws. This review offers nine major recommendations for the FDA to simplify how biosimilars are licensed and thus make biosimilars more accessible to […]