
Abstracted Scientific Content

Published on 31 October 2016

Effect of naming on pharmacists’ perceptions and dispensing of biosimilars

Submitted: 21 November 2016; Revised: 22 November 2016; Accepted: 24 November 2016; Published online first: 30 November 2016 A study of pharmacists investigated their perceptions of biosimilar naming conventions and...

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0504.048


Published on 31 October 2016

2016/3 GaBI Journal Table of Contents

Contents Editor’s Letter Latest features in GaBI Journal, 2016, Issue 3 Letters to the Editor Is the EU ready for non-biological complex drug products? Commentary Biosimilars: achieving long-term savings and...


Letters to the Editor

Published on 26 October 2016

Is the EU ready for non-biological complex drug products?

Author byline as per print journal: Jon SB de Vlieger, PhD; Professor Gerrit Borchard, PharmD, PhD; Vinod P Shah, PhD; Beat Flühmann, PhD; Sesha Neervannan, PhD; Professor Stefan Mühlebach, PhD...

Author(s): Beat Flühmann, PhD, Jon SB de Vlieger, PhD, Professor Gerrit Borchard, PharmD, PhD, Professor Stefan Mühlebach, PhD, Sesha Neervannan, PhD, Vinod P Shah, PhD

complex drug products, EMA, generics, harmonization, non-biological complex drug (NBCD), therapeutic equivalence, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0503.026


Editor's Letter

Published on 26 October 2016

Latest features in GaBI Journal, 2016, Issue 3

The informed, appropriate use of follow-on pharmacological agents can provide significant cost savings for patients and payers. These savings can then be used by governments and patients to increase access...

Author(s): Professor Philip D Walson, MD

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0503.025



Published on 26 October 2016

Regulatory Science Ireland: bridging the information gap on biosimilar medicines

Author byline as per print journal: Joan O’Callaghan, BSc Pharm; Sean Barry, PhD; Una Moore, PhD; Margaret Bermingham, PhD; J Michael Morris, PhD; Frank Hallinan, PhD; Brendan T Griffin, PhD Abstract: Regulatory...

Author(s): Brendan T Griffin, PhD, Frank Hallinan, PhD, J Michael Morris, PhD, Joan O’Callaghan, BSc Pharm, Margaret Bermingham, PhD, Sean Barry, PhD, Una Moore, PhD

biological medicines, biosimilar, Health Products Regulatory Authority, regulatory science, Regulatory Science Ireland

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0504.043



Published on 26 October 2016

Potential changes to the FDA approach to biosimilars have a global impact

Abstract: The Opinion article of Niazi urges the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make adjustments to its guidance on biosimilar development. This article comments on some of the...

Author(s): Adjunct Professor Pekka Kurki, MD, PhD

automatic substitution, FDA guidelines, global reference product, information, interchangeability, regulatory harmonization

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2018.0702.011


Review Article

Published on 26 October 2016

Cost-minimization analysis of generic equivalents (bortezomib, decitabine and capecitabine) in comparison to the originator brand medicines in Colombia

Author byline as per print journal: Shyam Akku, MD; Amit Garg, MD; Suhas Khandarkar, MPharm Introduction: Majority of the Colombian population has become health insured leading to improved healthcare access in...

Author(s): Amit Garg, MD, Shyam Akku, MD, Suhas Khandarkar, MPharm

anticancer drugs, cost-minimization, generics, pharmacoeconomics

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0504.042


Original Research

Published on 26 October 2016

Naming and labelling of biologicals – the perspective of hospital and retail pharmacists

Author byline as per print journal: Professor Philip J Schneider, MS, FASHP; Michael S Reilly, Esq Introduction: To date, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has offered only draft guidance...

Author(s): Michael S Reilly, Esq, Professor Philip J Schneider, MS, FASHP, FASPEN, FFIP

ASBM, biologicals, biosimilars, labelling, naming, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0504.040



Published on 26 October 2016

Physicians, Hippocrates and biosimilars: applying ancient principles in a modern society

Abstract: Physicians are pondering the clinical use of biosimilars. A reliance on clinical trials is deeply rooted in the modern healthcare system, whereas comparability and totality of evidence remain unknown...

Author(s): Adjunct Professor Pekka Kurki, MD, PhD

biosimilars, NOR-SWITCH, totality of evidence

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0504.039


Letters to the Editor

Published on 26 October 2016

Pricing strategies for pharmaceuticals in developing countries: what options do we have?

Abstract: Effective pharmaceutical pricing policies in developing countries are important to ensure accessibility and affordability of essential medicines for the people. Submitted: 24 October 2016; Revised: 27 February 2017; Accepted:...

Author(s): Nada Moustafa Abdel Rida, MSc Candidate, Professor Mohamed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim, PhD

developing countries, external reference pricing, government strategies, medicines, pharmaceutical pricing policy, price containment

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2017.0601.002



Published on 24 October 2016

Biosimilars in Italy: a gastroenterologist’s view

Author byline as per print journal: Vito Annese, MD; Tommaso Gabbani, MD; Antonio Luca Annese, MD Abstract: The introduction of biological therapy has revolutionized the paradigm of treatment in the...

Author(s): Antonio Luca Annese, MD, Tommaso Gabbani, MD, Vito Annese, MD

adalimumab, biosimilar, Crohn’s disease (CD), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), switching, ulcerative colitis (UC)

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2016.0503.033