

Published on 05 March 2012

Generics substitution in primary care: summary of the Dutch community pharmacies guidelines

Abstract:  Marketed medicines that have passed bioequivalence testing should in general be substitutable. However, for a variety of reasons, caution may be warranted, particularly with regard to narrow therapeutic index...

Author(s): Leonora Grandia, PharmD, Professor Arnold G Vulto, PharmD, PhD, FCP

biologicals, biosimilars, Dutch guidelines, generics substitution, interchangeability, narrow therapeutic index

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.021


Special Report

Published on 10 April 2012

The impact of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies on generics uptake: implementation of policy options on generics in 29 European countries─an overview

Introduction: To describe pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement systems in 29 European countries with regard to medicines, particularly generics, and their possible impact on generics uptake. Method: Data collection on pharmaceutical pricing and...

Author(s): Sabine Vogler, PhD

generics policies, generics substitution, INN prescribing, pricing, reference pricing system, reimbursement

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.020



Published on 10 February 2012

Generic clopidogrel–the medicines agency’s perspective

Abstract:  A number of generic products containing clopidogrel as the active substance have been marketed in Austria and the EU for some time. Due to different clopidogrel salt preparations and different indications, doubts...

Author(s): Christoph Baumgärtel, MD, MSc

bioequivalence, clopidogrel, drug substitution, drugs, generics, therapeutic equivalence

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.019



Published on 08 May 2012

Promoting access to biosimilars: a public−private partnership model for biosimilar development in underserved populations

Author byline as per print journal: Timothy Ken Mackey1,2, MAS; Professor Bryan A Liang1,3,4, MD, JD, PhD Abstract:  Biologicals represent the future of pharmaceutical treatments and innovation. Yet, emerging and developing...

Author(s): Professor Bryan A Liang, MD, JD, PhD, Timothy Ken Mackey, MAS

biosimilars, emerging markets, follow-on biologics, global health, immunogenicity, patient safety, public−private partnerships

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.018


Review Article

Published on 21 February 2012

Payers endorse generics to enhance prescribing efficiency: impact and future implications, a case history approach

Author byline as per print journal: Brian Godman1,2,3, BSc, PhD; Mohammed Abuelkhair4, PharmD; Agnes Vitry5, PharmD, PhD; Shajahan Abdu4, MD; Marion Bennie6,7, MSc; Iain Bishop7, BSc; Sahar Fahmy4, PhD; Kristina Garuoliene8,...

Author(s): Brian Godman, BSc, PhD, et al.

demand-side measures, generics, pharmaceuticals, pricing

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.017


Review Article

Published on 05 March 2012

What lessons can be learned from the launch of generic clopidogrel?

Author byline as per print journal: Christoph Baumgärtel1, MD; Brian Godman2,3,4, BSc, PhD; Rickard E Malmstrom5, MD, PhD; Morten Andersen6, MD, PhD; Mohammed Abuelkhair7, PharmD; Shajahan Abdu7, MD; Marion Bennie8,9, MSc;...

Author(s): Christoph Baumgärtel, MD, MSc, et al.

clopidogrel, demand measures, generics, pricing

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.016


Readers' Comments

Published on 01 August 2012

A patient-centred paradigm for the biosimilars market This article provides important insights into the use and application of complex biologicals, particularly biosimilars, in health delivery systems. One aspect of care that has...

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.024



Published on 03 July 2012

Tighter EU rules on pharmacovigilance for biologicals

Received: 27 March 2012; Accepted: 22 May 2012 The new EU pharmacovigilance legislation which comes into force in July 2012 will include a tightening of requirements relating to product information and identification, as...

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.015



Published on 02 May 2012

Equal protection under the law: Children and the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act

Abstract:  Four changes to the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act and the Pediatric Research Equity Act will markedly improve these programmes: expanded attention paid to neonatal studies, support for the...

Author(s): Professor Daniel Kelly Benjamin Jr, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor Gregory L Kearns, PharmD, PhD

Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act, clinical studies, legislation, neonates, off-patent drugs

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.014


Editor's Letter

Published on 29 June 2012

What to look forward to in GaBI Journal, 2012, issue 2

It is my pleasure to introduce the second edition of GaBI Journalwhich contains a number of interesting articles. Professors Benjamin and Kearns present a review of advances in paediatric drug...

Author(s): Professor Philip D Walson, MD

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0102.013



Published on 15 February 2012

Clinical biosimilar data should be accessible to all Calls are growing for biosimilar manufacturers to publish their data in the public domain, particularly when developing versions of monoclonal antibodies that are associated...

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2012.0101.012