
Original Research

Published on 19 February 2020

Pharmaceutical pricing policy in Saudi Arabia: findings and implications

Introduction: Many countries have introduced policies and strategies to limit pharmaceutical expenditures. These include pharmaceutical pricing policies and related strategies to control medicine prices and to ensure appropriate and stable...

Author(s): Alian A Alrasheedy, BPharm(Hons), MPharm(Clin), PhD, MACP, RPh

health expenditures, medicine prices, pharmaceutical expenditure, pharmaceutical policy, pricing, Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2020.0901.003


Original Research

Published on 20 March 2014

Stability of the trastuzumab biosimilar ABP 980 compared to reference product after intravenous bag preparation, transport and storage at various temperatures, concentrations and stress conditions

Author byline as per print journal: Shon Crampton1, BA; Alla Polozova1, PhD; Darin Asbury2, BS; Alexis Lueras2, BS; Paul Breslin1, BS; Jane Hippenmeyer3, PharmD; Jennifer Litowski1, PhD; Monica Goss2, PhD...

ABP 980, biosimilar, stability, trastuzumab

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2020.0901.002


Editor's Letter

Published on 24 March 2020

Editor’s introduction to the initial issue of the ninth volume of GaBI Journal

The current coronavirus pandemic raises some important questions relevant to generic and/or biosimilar products. While still unproven, there are some indications that approved antiviral compounds exist which might be able...

Author(s): Professor Philip D Walson, MD

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2020.0901.001


Special Report

Published on 11 June 2013

A progress report on the 3rd International Symposium on Scientific and Regulatory Advances in Biological and Non-Biological Complex Drugs: A to Z in Bioequivalence

Author byline as per print journal: Jon SB de Vlieger1, PhD; Professor Daan JA Crommelin2, PhD; Beat Flühmann3, PhD; Professor Imre Klebovich4, PharmD, PhD, DSc; Professor Stefan Mühlebach3,5, PhD; Vinod...

Author(s): Beat Flühmann, PhD, Daan JA Crommelin, Imre Klebovich, Jon SB de Vlieger, PhD, Professor Stefan Mühlebach, PhD, Vinod P Shah, PhD

biological medicinal products, equivalence, nanomedicines, NBCD similar approach, NBCDs, non-biological complex drug (NBCD) products

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0803.016


Meeting Report

Published on 20 March 2014

1st ASEAN overview workshop on GMP for biologicals/biosimilars 2018 – Report

Introduction: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Overview Workshop on GMP for Biologicals and Biosimilars was co-organized with the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI). This meeting was intended to...

Author(s): Adjunct Associate Professor Sia Chong Hock, BSc (Pharm), MSc, Elwyn Griffiths, DSc, PhD

ASEAN, biologicals, biosimilars, GMP

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0803.015


Review Article

Published on 09 February 2016

An ever-evolving landscape: an update on the rapidly changing regulation and reimbursement of biosimilars in Canada

Author byline as per print journal: Eric CK Siu1,4, MSc, PhD; Anne Tomalin2,4, BA, BSc; Kevin West3,4, BA; Sandra Anderson4, BA, MBA; George Wyatt1,4, BSc, MBA Abstract: Since the introduction...

Author(s): Anne Tomalin, BA, BSc, Eric CK Siu, MSc, PhD, George Wyatt, BSc, MBA, Kevin West, BA, Sandra Anderson, BA, MBA

biosimilars, CADTH CDR, CADTH pCODR, Health Canada, INESSS, pCPA

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0803.014


Original Research

Published on 03 June 2015

Pharmacy chain drives choice among manufacturers of generic drugs in the US Medicare population

Author byline as per print journal: Steven Kozlowski1, MD; Ellen Tworkoski2, MS, MPhil; Carmen Dekmezian2, MS; Yanchang Zhang2, MPH; Natasha Flowers2, BA; Alvin So3, MS; Andreas M Schick3, PhD; Michael...

Author(s): Jeffrey A Kelman, MD, MMSc, Steven Kozlowski, MD, Ellen Tworkoski, MS, MPhil, Carmen Dekmezian, MS, Yanchang Zhang, MPH, Natasha Flowers, BA, Alvin So, MS, Andreas M Schick, PhD, Michael Wernecke, BA, Thomas MaCurdy, PhD

generic drugs, pharmacy, US Medicare

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0803.013



Published on 27 July 2016

Ever-changing landscape of biosimilars in Canada; findings and implications from a global perspective

Author byline as per print journal: Brian Godman1,2,3, BSc, PhD; Eleonora Allocati4, BSc, MSc; Evelien Moorkens5, BSc, MSc Abstract: Siu et al. comprehensively assessed the rapidly changing regulation and reimbursement...

Author(s): Brian Godman, BSc, PhD, Eleonora Allocati, BSc, MSc, Evelien Moorkens, BSc, MSc

biologicals, biosimilars, Canada, policies, regulation, savings

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0803.012


Editor's Letter

Published on 25 November 2019

Latest features in GaBI Journal, 2019, Issue 3

Patients, their families and providers are facing increasing pressures related to the rapidly expanding global inequality which affects access to all components of a long, healthy, productive life including water,...

Author(s): Professor Philip D Walson, MD

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0803.011


Abstracted Scientific Content

Published on 23 September 2015

Escalating prices of generic drugs targeted by US anti-gouging legislation

Submitted: 29 January 2019; Revised: 4 February 2019; Accepted: 5 February 2019; Published online first: 14 February 2019 Generic prescription drug prices have been escalating rapidly in the US. In...

Author(s): GaBI Journal Editor

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0802.010


Meeting Report

Published on 24 April 2013

2nd MENA Stakeholder Meeting on Biosimilars 2018 – Report

Introduction: The number of biosimilars, or similar biotherapeutic products, is expanding rapidly worldwide. A further 12 blockbuster biologicals are set to add to this number by 2020. Agreement about the...

Author(s): Andrea Laslop, MD, Jian Wang, MD, PhD, Robin Thorpe, PhD, FRCPath

biosimilars, costs, MENA, pharmacovigilance, regulators, switching

DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2019.0802.009